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Granite Bay Mirror

PG&E Offering to Remove Debris from Trees During 2021 Wildfires

Feb 04, 2022 12:00AM ● By PG&E Press Release

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (MPG) - In response to customer and community feedback, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is offering customers free removal of large-diameter wood from trees that were cut down for safety during the company’s 2021 wildfire response.

As PG&E worked to restore power quickly and safely during the 2021 wildfire season, crews inspected and cut down hazardous trees that posed a potential safety risk to crews and electric equipment. The work was done in coordination with agencies responding to the wildfires.

With this work now largely complete, PG&E is offering landowners the opportunity to have trees that were cut down for safety removed from their property, provided it is safe to do so.

Because the wood is the landowner’s property, removal of the wood is optional, and landowners must provide written permission to PG&E to have the wood removed. PG&E is in the process of reaching out to impacted landowners to offer the removal services and provide permission forms.

Earlier this year, PG&E and contractor crews began removing and disposing of large-diameter wood from 2020 wildfires. PG&E recently expanded the voluntary program to encompass 2021 wildfires.

If approved by the landowner, PG&E will be removing wood debris from trees cut down for safety in response to the following wildfires:

Anderson Fire, Cache Fire, Caldor Fire, Dixie Fire, Fawn Fire, Hopkins Fire, KNP Complex Fire, Linda Falls Fire

McFarland Fire, Monument Fire, North Complex Fire, River Fire (Colfax, Oakhurst), Salt Fire, Washington Fire

PG&E contractor crews will be performing this work and can provide identification upon request. Customers with questions about the Wood Management Program can call 1-877-295-4949 or email [email protected].

For additional information about the program or to download the permission form for wood debris removal in 2021 fire footprints, visit

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE: PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and