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Granite Bay Mirror

Let's Get Growing Food in Our Backyards!

May 07, 2020 12:00AM ● By Soil Born Farms Press Release

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - Soil Born Farms has been inspiring and teaching families to grow some of their own food and herbs since 2000. One of the original objectives of Victory Gardens that started during World War I applies to the current challenge we face today to maintain the vitality and morale of Americans on the home front through the production of nutritious vegetables outdoors. We know that spending time in nature and getting our hands in the soil goes a long way to reduce anxiety and boost our immune system. Nothing beats the flavor or nutritional value of food straight from the garden.

As we prioritize health and safety guidelines currently in place at the farm we are thrilled to offer collections of organic starts of vegetables, herbs and flowers and fruit trees to create a victory garden or add to your home garden, patio, backyard orchard or urban farm. We have selected varieties that do well in our climate. The Greenhouse Garden Shop is a micro business that grows healthy seedlings for the farm, school gardens, community gardens and home gardens while engaging youth and adults in the process. The greenhouse and fruit tree nursery are important components of our Grow Your Groceries and Harvest Sacramento programs. Proceeds benefit SBF education programs.

As an organic farm committed to practicing regenerative principles in the service of wellness and providing healthy food to our customers and community, we are determined now more than ever, to do everything possible to move forward with that purpose. Behind the scenes we are digging deep and being creative. We are revising plans, seeking emergency funding, reaching out to partners, funders and friends to help our nonprofit farm and education center survive this crisis and carry on with our mission.

In 2000, Soil Born Farms reintroduced urban farming in Sacramento. We believe that it is possible and important to grow food in backyards, schoolyards and community spaces. This simple act is a powerful piece of the puzzle to reduce hunger and improve the health in our community. It is useful, healthful and empowering to anyone who engages. Twenty years later, as we face uncertainty, the simple act of growing food in our own backyards has never been more important. Spending time at home over coming weeks can be used to forge a deeper, more intentional connection to our food and to the earth that provides it. Many of our grandparents answered the call during World War II by producing most of the fresh food the country needed in front and backyard victory gardens. Facing the Covid-19 pandemic is our generation’s opportunity to step up in a similar way.